
Design Framework



Creative Commons License
Infographics by Group 6 – Class Einstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


By: Altom Kent M. Tongol

      Students nowadays are pressured and stressed out because of educational activities and workload of academic projects. The infographic shows data about the pressure and stress that is on the heads of every student.
    Quizzes, activities, projects, deadlines, performances, tests and exams. A life of a student focuses on learning, studying and those mentioned things. Causing stress to students like me. Stress on how to manage time and how to finish all the works on time. Giving pressure because of the expectations of the teachers and the parents which sometimes result to health issues. Well, success is not an easy way. So we do not have any choice but to face the stress and overcome the pressure in order for all of us to be successful.
        Being a media literate individual is a part of life’s challenges and a part of a student’s life. Because information is a must and the source of information needs to credible. Informations can be seen form different types of media such as print media, broadcast media, and the new media in which teenagers are more exposed to. Another way to feel less stress is to enjoy the virtual worlds of media allowing students to free their minds. Because workload of students are super stressful. But despite the pressure, we still aim for a bright and a better future.

Creative Commons License
Infographics Reflection by Altom Kent M. Tongol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Nick Daniel Mahilum

     Our infographics talks about a student who were under pressure. Pressure from different outside forces that affects their inner stillness. Most of the students nowadays are facing pressure, from their peers, from their school works, school activities, and even from their family. It can be seen on the infographics about the percentage of students who were under pressure.

     Students pressure is bad for our health, but it depends upon the students on how to face it with all his might. These pressures were just trials. We have to deal with it in order for us to be healthy because students who were under pressure has a greater chances of acquiring mental and health problems.

Creative Commons License
Infographics Reflection by Nick Daniel Mahilum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Charlie Magne Valera

       Our infographics shows us the possible effect and outcome on a student that is stressed and pressured in school. Based in my experience as a student also, many reason of a student are pressure in school it’s because of the never-ending projects, pile of homework, performance, activities and many more. Also, the infographics that we made show a statistical and illustrative information about the effects in health of a stressed student. And our infographics implicate that it affects many aspect of a student, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially.

         May the reflection that we made is helpful and be the bridge to open the mind of the student that our so-called suffering in school is not a credible and viable reason to end your life. There are plenty of reason to live. It may be for some of the student it is a struggle to them, but may we realize that education is a bridge to a better and secured future. Lastly, for our educators, may they realize the limitation and weakness of their student. May both student and teachers cooperate together to a progressive and better future of humanity.

Creative Commons License
Infographic Reflection by Charlie Magne C. Valera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: John Carlo Sustino

        Our infographics is to inform the students how pressure affects everyone’s mind and health. For me, this is a good infographics because it let students realize that if you worry too much about pressure and stress, this might affect yourself and can destroy your future. It is important to just go with whats within and do your thing, but always keeping in mind that you always need to find time to relax and feel the breeze of fresh air. As a student who is also experiencing pressure and stress in school, I say that we should do the things that we need to do right away, don’t procrastinate and don’t practice working under pressure. Let yourself have some fun for a bit, it wont hurt anyway.

Creative Commons License
Infographic Reflection by John Carlo Sustino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Enrico Rafael Basilio

       Our inforgraphics entitled “Students under pressure”. Students nowadays is pressured by their studies. It affects our health and mind. I think it is best to show us – the students.  Because they can realize that there are other students that are very pressured and sometimes they undergo to suicide which is very bad. I would like to give advise to them that suicide is not an option to our problems. that pressure is like an obstacle, when you conquer it, there is a price waiting for you.

 Creative Commons License
Infographic Reflection by Enrico Rafael M. Basilio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Deconstructing Image

Design Framework


Image Deconstruction

Mil ID

This image denotes a sunset or a time in the evening where the shade of the sun fades, with the view of an ocean which signifies calmness, a tree that is against the light of the setting sun which means that it is a contrast and it means emphasis to the photo, the clouds also mean calmness.

Creative Commons License
Image Deconstruction by Group 6 – Class Einstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Typography Poster

Design Framework


“Education may be a deadly destination but it opens an opportunity and a future with a good Foundation”

This slogan is made for all the students who looks at the school like a bad choice. These words are advocate of promoting school as the best training ground for any children who wants their journey in life be as molded as ever. Every beginner starts from the beginning and every starter starts from the start, that is why for every student, to go to school is the best start, the best stepping stone and the best opener. This opens up opportunity that will help any individual who wishes to grow mature and those who wants to be the best version of themselves. We do hope that by making this slogan, we can influence the youth, especially the students, to start the change of their own and the change for a better future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster by Group 6 – Class Einstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


By: Altom Kent M. Tongol

      A student like me is more likely to suffer educational struggles. Quizzes here, activities there, and projects everywhere. These are the struggles of being a student. Having an education is a blessing. Despite the stress and hardships I encounter, I still manage to smile and continue to study. Learning is essential to everyone of us. Because when we learn, we grow. And when we grow, we become mature and ready to face the real challenges of life.
     Education is very important. It plays a huge part in the success of all successful people. School is the first step on the way to big opportunities. And teens stay in school for how many years in preparation for a bright and a wonderful future. We all need education. It teaches us to be life ready, molds us to become a better being and most importantly, brings success in our lives. It serves as our foundation to be what we wanted to be, to pursue our wildest dreams no matter what those dreams are. Education is for everyone to know that by learning we can be a better version of ourselves and will be a better citizen in the future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Altom Kent M. Tongol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Nick Daniel Mahilum

                We chose this advocacy or issue for this campaign poster because we want to tell those students who were struggling about their academic performances in school. We want them to know that they are on the right path. Mostly of the students nowadays were complaining about going to school, doing school works, paper works, academically striving, having lots of activities. We want to them to know that these struggles are just part and not the end of our story, a story were we are the ones who can control want we want to become or what we want to be in the near future. Those students were just like us, we were also struggling not just academically but physically. We have so much stuff to do regarding school works and other school related activities and also our own challenges were facing right now as a teenager.

                 The message is effective enough for them if they conceptualize the meaning of the slogan not just its literal meaning the idea that was conveyed by the text. It is effective if they will put through their mind and heart the message of our slogan. It is up for them if they will accept it whole heartedly and applied it to their daily task in school. The idea of it is that, no matter how hard our life is, there is still a hope that awaits us in the near future if we choose the right path with regards to our own definition of life.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Nick Daniel Mahilum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Enrico Rafael Basilio

               We choose this advocacy or issue for this campaign because some of the students now having a hard time in their schools. Like quizzes, summatives, projects, school activities, examination, etc. but you know what being a student is a blessing. Why? Because some of the other children didn’t school because they have no money. They didn’t buy a paper, pen or even food. So we encourage and motivate other students to study harder. Because that suffer will repay them.

                It is effective to them because the message has a very deep meaning. If we read it at first literally the message is would be bad. But if we analyze it, it is an inspiring message for them. No matter hard it is there’s a way to accomplish it. When they have a mistake, it would be a lesson for them. And the lesson that can change them for the better. Your life now is just a beginning there are more happens to achieve your dream.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Enrico Rafael Basilio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Charlie Magne Valera

        As our slogan implicate that education is deadly, you think and explain it literally but let’s ponder deeply. The term deadly in terms of education are common to us students. We think education as kill joy, suffering, struggle, and many other negative thoughts about it. But we don’t realize and mostly see and visualize the positive and good thing education has offer.

      It may be hard because of all the terror educators, pile of homework, and never ending projects but all that struggle and pain for us students strengthen us and made us a better person. All that struggle are part of our success with a good and firm foundation through education, a foundation not on sand but on a rock.

         I know that feeling that you are been pressure by all of the projects, homework, and activities. I know that feeling that you need to sleep late up until midnight because tomorrow is the deadline of the project. But I hope by the help of our slogan about education may open our mind and realize that these struggle and pain that we encounter in our education life are only temporary. Also, these are only a part of our life leading as to a better and safe future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Charlie Magne C. Valera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: John Carlo Sustino

        We chose this advocacy because we know that students like us can relate to this issue and for everyone who is just so tired of going to school and those who are fed up with schoolworks, even the unrelated ones. This can also hit those people who are done in going to school but still thinks that they had a hell of a life back then. This may somehow, make them reflect to the past and acquire the lessons and important things that they missed to appreciate. This will be an effective slogan because this will serve as an eye opener for those who are not fond of going to school because they doubt. On The things they can reflect might help them be more mature in their visions in life and on what they think about going to school.

 Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by John Carlo Sustino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Debate Speeches

Media and Information Technologies improve Learning Environment

(Affirmative Side)
Speech 1

        We can’t deny that technology on media and information such as internet and social media change and improvised the way people learn specifically students. Our modern education system is fully endorsing and encouraging students with the use of these technology for their progressive and productive learning. There are many positive reason on why these technology help people learn better. First point is it is accessible for everyone by the use of technological tools, back then you go to library to gather some information but today it had changed by the help of it. Second point is almost all the information you need is available in the internet for your learning purposes. Lastly our education system nowadays have a certain and high standard, by the help of it students can meet the demand and standard of our education system by helping them in terms in their academic learning and progress. By some of the reason that I have presented to you, we cant deny that media and information technology revolutionize and make better the way and how people learn.

Speech 2
          Media technologies improve educational environment . As a student if we look at what happen in our school the effectiveness of media technology is beneficial , with the use of new media the students can actively engage in the purposeful practice that promotes deeper learning .
         It also help learner to develop the proficiency they need to acquire the skills of adjusting their learning strategies. According to Postman(1955) that being against media make no sense than being against with food
         Therefore, media technologies plays a vital role in supporting learners like us to improve our social thinking and also this media technologies provides tools to help individual especially students to externalize their thinking and shape their own words
     Yes I believed that for every technologies offers there is a corresponding disadvantages but remember being a literate individual that if you are literate individual you should know those disadvantage and use it to your own advantage
Rebuttal 1

        Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my opponent said a while ago that technology serves as limitations to the students to bring out their full potential. I don’t believe in that because for example, in schoology, it allows a flipped classroom in which 50% of information comes from the students and 50% from the teacher. In that way they can bring out their ideas and they can learn best on that way thus bringing out their potential. Next, about the disabilities, technology offers audio visual platforms to help aid the teachers. and for the visually impaired/blind, we have invented braille note apex, and braille display.


Rebuttal 2

          People nowadays wants everything to be easy. And media makes our everyday life easy. Students on becoming dependent to media and information technology. Well, students like you and me are already dependent on technology when learning. Cellphones and other gadgets are used for studies and everything that involves learning. The information gathered may not be credible. In school we are taught on how to become a media and information literate individual. So there is no reason for students not to have concrete information from media. Another point is on the improper use of technology and media by people.

Closing Speech

          Ladies and gentleman, we can say in reality, that those who doubt and question the credibility and influence of technology in the field of learning are those people who’s not literate, ignorant and afraid to discover new things. Just like what Stuart J. Ellman said, “social media and technology are not the agents of change, they’re just tools. We the connected people are the agents of change. Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we should stop asking what the media can do to us, just like what Kozma said. But instead start asking how can you use the capability and credibility of media to influence learning. We should learn to learn new things and should not settle from the past, because again, WE ARE THE AGENTS OF CHANGE.

Creative Commons License
Debate Speeches by Group 6 & Group 5 – Class Einstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

By: Nick Daniel Mahilum

     A media comes with many forms and styles. It is accessible by anyone anywhere and is the center stage in digital society. A media literate person has the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms. On the other hand, an information literate person has the ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, affectively use and communicate information in its various formats (UNESCO, MIL Curriculum for Teachers, 2011).

     But the question is, what is the power of media and information literacy? Throughout the evolution of technologies and its drastic changes that change the way we live, the way we perceive life, our vision, our lifestyle and even ourselves proves that the media and its various formats plays a big role in our daily life. Mankind undoubtedly been so dependent with it and also the information that the different forms of media wants to relay. Though media and information literacy comes in different formats, it is powerful enough to change the way a person’s perspective towards life. From the news and documentaries we have seen on television in urban areas to the radios and newspapers that have reached our countrymen in rural places strongly proves that anyone can have an access with this and from that, the power that it establishes can change the way an individual thinks. Media and Information Literacy focuses on the skills how an individual engage with media and information effectively, also developing critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and became an active citizen. Many of us knew how to engage with media and the information it conveys but there is a small percentage who really does knew how to use it in an effective and a rightful way. It is indeed that media and information literacy widely covered-up our lives nowadays as there is a rapid growth of population of humankind engaging media and its information it relays, thus, greatly affects the way with think, our judgements, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes and from this we were called as a “user” of this media and information. But being a user does not just focuses profoundly of being a “simple-user” but greatly focuses as a user who is responsible enough how to develop itself as an individual, know how to accept reliable information, know how to use media and its different formats in a rightful way, know the etiquettes of being a user such as the netiquettes is what defines a responsible user in this digital and technology-dependent society.

     So, media and information literacy has the power to change an individual’s mind-set perceiving life, his belief, perceptions, attitudes and the way he/she accepts the societies challenge towards facing the society itself because it can be easily accessed by anyone throughout the world but the issue does not ended up from that, being an individual having media and information literacy in his life means being a responsible enough as a user who uses it dependently.

Creative Commons License
Essay by Nick Daniel Mahilum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

By: Altom Kent Tongol

     Media and information are some of the most powerful and influential material that people are exposed and dependent to. People nowadays get information through media because we are more in to new technology. The number of users are rapidly increasing and issues start to grow because of the irresponsibleness of some users. Responsibility of users should be manifested in order to use the power of media and information wisely.

     Today, the world benefits more with the use of media and information. It can be seen anywhere and everywhere. We all know that media makes life easy, and fun. “Media is a very powerful tool capable of mobilizing people’s contemplations and ideologies” (Mock 2004). Life is full of stress but with the help of media such as the television, cinema, newspapers, radio, magazines, telephone, and social media in the Internet, it serves as an escape or a stress-reliever and a perfect activity to do during leisure time. Also, information can be easily gained by using the different types of media like print media, broadcast media, and the new media which is a motor of mass communication. Media influence has become so powerful in the present that it can easily influence people positively and negatively. We also live in a society that depends on the media as a source of entertainment and information. The media and information functions to strengthen and enrich the connection of people, the social environment, and the economy. It opens different opportunities to us. It can motivate, inspire, inform, express ideas and feelings freely, and empower citizen.

     Users of media and information should always be responsible. Being responsible helps us to be more aware of what we are doing. To be a responsible user, we need to be careful in posting personal hints to avoid privacy invasion, to protect our private accounts and for us to be safe. We should not spread false rumors and less significant issues to prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications. Correspondingly, users will be able to know that internet can be used for Citizen Journalism and for Tourist Support and to prevent the occurrence of perilous circumstances such as Phishing and Human Trafficking which is usually done with the use of media. Practicing responsible usage of social media is best achieved when adhered to netiquette standards. People should be careful, wise, and responsible all the time in order to ensure individual safety.

     “With great power, comes great responsibility.” This quote is heard by each human being living on Earth. The power of media and information is a challenge. A challenge where people need to make use of this power correctly and not carelessly. Let us be responsible enough as users because media and information gives knowledge. And knowledge is power that leads humanity to becoming a media and information literate individual.

 Creative Commons Licence
Essay by Altom Kent M. Tongol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

By: Enrico Rafael Basilio

     According to the Wikipedia “Media is the collective communication tools that are used to deliver information or data. And information is stimuli that have meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data”

     What if there’s no newspaper, television, or even internet what happens to the world? The people will be nothing because he didn’t know about the happenings. People nowadays reading newspaper, watching television or surf in the internet to collect information and influenced individuals over the passing of time. Media has a big role in the society as it influences the daily lives of an individual. Media has been playing an important role in forming our personality, enriching our background knowledge, and providing us with information of any kind –

     In the touch of the screen on your cellphone, click of the mouse in the computer, we interact with people around the world, watch live stream, communication tour friends and families, we can do whatever you can do, you can post your feelings, emotions, etc. or post pictures in the Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. We can buy things in the internet. And also we can easily collect information, idea or data to the happenings in our surroundings.

     Empowerment of people thorough Media and Information Literacy (MIL) is an important prerequisite for fostering equitable access to information and knowledge and promoting free, independent and pluralistic media and information systems – But there’s positive and negative of media, for example there’s educational program of television that can be watched by the children, so it good to watch to children because they learn, another example is the news, because we all know what happen in our surroundings. And the negative side if we abuse use the internet like giving false report of the news, another is the tv commercial that encourage to buy that product, we don’t know that if that is good for our body or not because they focus on the income.

     Me as a user we all have a responsibility in using of the power of media and information first of all is to apply the proper etiquettes when using these things. We also know what good and bad. Never be involved of the cybercrime act law it is a big sin. Our curiosity can kill us, so think before you click. And for phishing, never ever put your information in the internet because it would because your identity will be taken, or your account would be control of others. If you are careless of what you are doing your life will be in peril. And for sharing in information we all know about responsibility and limitation.

Creative Commons License
Essay by Enrico Rafael M. Basilio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

By: John Carlo Sustino

     Majority of the veterans might say that “with great power, comes great responsibility” and it is true, with the technology that we have right now, I guess it is safe to say that the world is in our fingertips, with just a milli-second we can know what we want to know, and that could be, power.

     Literally today, if we desire, we can acquire. With the help of personal computers and internet connection we can connect with our friends or loved ones from all around the world. The power of our technology has grown into something very big, still growing, and about to be uncontrollable. And this power has also given the people an opportunity to have the world at its disposal. With the technology that we have it could be very easy for anyone to stream, broadcast, share, and seek anything and it could be very easy for anyone to use it in evil. To say that the society we live in is technologically advance would be an understatement. Just by the use of our fingers, anything could be possible, and a lot could be done by anyone at any state -by the use of any technology and an internet. Trying to sort the innovations the society has made would make a long list. It is surely a list of positivity, but along this would be a partner of negativity. The growing power of technology has raged into two things: good and bad.

     It is up for the person using the computer to use these innovations in a good or bad way. Because when you use the technology, you should know how to accept and face the consequences for alongside with all these great powers and opportunity is the responsibility that you will encounter in the long run. Every person knows how to use a computer and connect it to the internet should know the things to do and the things to not to do. Though social media or the internet is a good source of information and education purposes, social media could also be a source of death through cyber bullying and that is one negative effect of the growing power of our technology, thats just one but capes a big percent of damage.

     It is up for the person using the computer to use these innovations in a good or bad way. Because when you use the technology, you should know how to accept and face the consequences for alongside with all these great powers and opportunity is the responsibility that you will encounter in the long run. Every person knows how to use a computer and connect it to the internet should know the things to do and the things to not to do. Though social media or the internet is a good source of information and education purposes, social media could also be a source of death through cyber bullying and that is one negative effect of the growing power of our technology, thats just one but capes a big percent of damage.

Creative Commons License
Essay by John Carlo Sustino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

“The Power of Media and Information Literacy, and the Responsibility of the User”

By: Charlie Magne Valera

     For many years, the invention of media change the way people live. It influences people when it comes to lifestyle, philosophical, psychological, and behavior as well. Nowadays, we cannot deny that media has the power to change and manipulate things. Virtually every day since early childhood, it has been playing an important role in forming our personality, enriching our background knowledge, providing us with information of any kind.

Before media, it is very tough to find reliable and genuine information. But today, media has revolutionized everything.  Actually it is the most powerful sector of an economy. It is a tool to maintain balance society which is characterized by well-informed people, effective democracy and social justice. Basically, media performs three functions, to inform, to influence, and lastly to entertain. But the effects of this are multidimensional. It tends to shape individual’s point of view, politically, economically, socially and philosophically. Furthermore, media has broken the barriers of information, so that people that are illiterate become active citizens. It affects how we approach things and transforms dormant society into dynamic society. It gives us power to participate in the current issues in our society (particularly social media/internet); we have a freedom to address our feedback and opinion toward the topic concerning the issue. So it very logical to say that media is one of the basic need of people nowadays. But there is a downside of all of this positive effect of media, it can be abuse, corrupt, manipulate by negligent users. Media has its limitation, so it is better to know those. As a user of internet or other media platforms such as social media, it is better to have a personal netiquette on internet usage. Being media literate does not mean you know the “how to’s” of using media platforms, there more than that, being literate means how responsible you are when it comes to this aspect. It doesn’t mean that we are free of what we do on media that we abuse its purpose. Cyber bullying, cybersex, phishing, copyright, posers, plagiarism, are one of the many issues related to consuming media. Thankfully there are laws concerning to these issues but sadly people easily don’t care or even don’t know these rules because most individual had this mindset that media particularly social media can be access by anyone and you can do whatever you want. Social media’s purpose is to connect to the world, to inform or to aware us to the latest events and to influence and entertain, beyond that it is not fine. As I said that media has its limitation and it is extremely vital to know its restrictions. As a user it is essential to control ourselves through knowing not only the power and purpose of internet but also its limitation.

Today, we have the world at our fingertips. Literally, with the touch of a fingertip or the click of a mouse, we can do amazing things. But the more we improve and advance the greater the responsibility it is. As a social media user, it is really necessary to know our limitation as a user.
Creative Commons License
Essay by Charlie Magne C. Valera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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