Typography Poster

Design Framework


“Education may be a deadly destination but it opens an opportunity and a future with a good Foundation”

This slogan is made for all the students who looks at the school like a bad choice. These words are advocate of promoting school as the best training ground for any children who wants their journey in life be as molded as ever. Every beginner starts from the beginning and every starter starts from the start, that is why for every student, to go to school is the best start, the best stepping stone and the best opener. This opens up opportunity that will help any individual who wishes to grow mature and those who wants to be the best version of themselves. We do hope that by making this slogan, we can influence the youth, especially the students, to start the change of their own and the change for a better future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster by Group 6 – Class Einstein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


By: Altom Kent M. Tongol

      A student like me is more likely to suffer educational struggles. Quizzes here, activities there, and projects everywhere. These are the struggles of being a student. Having an education is a blessing. Despite the stress and hardships I encounter, I still manage to smile and continue to study. Learning is essential to everyone of us. Because when we learn, we grow. And when we grow, we become mature and ready to face the real challenges of life.
     Education is very important. It plays a huge part in the success of all successful people. School is the first step on the way to big opportunities. And teens stay in school for how many years in preparation for a bright and a wonderful future. We all need education. It teaches us to be life ready, molds us to become a better being and most importantly, brings success in our lives. It serves as our foundation to be what we wanted to be, to pursue our wildest dreams no matter what those dreams are. Education is for everyone to know that by learning we can be a better version of ourselves and will be a better citizen in the future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Altom Kent M. Tongol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Nick Daniel Mahilum

                We chose this advocacy or issue for this campaign poster because we want to tell those students who were struggling about their academic performances in school. We want them to know that they are on the right path. Mostly of the students nowadays were complaining about going to school, doing school works, paper works, academically striving, having lots of activities. We want to them to know that these struggles are just part and not the end of our story, a story were we are the ones who can control want we want to become or what we want to be in the near future. Those students were just like us, we were also struggling not just academically but physically. We have so much stuff to do regarding school works and other school related activities and also our own challenges were facing right now as a teenager.

                 The message is effective enough for them if they conceptualize the meaning of the slogan not just its literal meaning the idea that was conveyed by the text. It is effective if they will put through their mind and heart the message of our slogan. It is up for them if they will accept it whole heartedly and applied it to their daily task in school. The idea of it is that, no matter how hard our life is, there is still a hope that awaits us in the near future if we choose the right path with regards to our own definition of life.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Nick Daniel Mahilum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Enrico Rafael Basilio

               We choose this advocacy or issue for this campaign because some of the students now having a hard time in their schools. Like quizzes, summatives, projects, school activities, examination, etc. but you know what being a student is a blessing. Why? Because some of the other children didn’t school because they have no money. They didn’t buy a paper, pen or even food. So we encourage and motivate other students to study harder. Because that suffer will repay them.

                It is effective to them because the message has a very deep meaning. If we read it at first literally the message is would be bad. But if we analyze it, it is an inspiring message for them. No matter hard it is there’s a way to accomplish it. When they have a mistake, it would be a lesson for them. And the lesson that can change them for the better. Your life now is just a beginning there are more happens to achieve your dream.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Enrico Rafael Basilio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: Charlie Magne Valera

        As our slogan implicate that education is deadly, you think and explain it literally but let’s ponder deeply. The term deadly in terms of education are common to us students. We think education as kill joy, suffering, struggle, and many other negative thoughts about it. But we don’t realize and mostly see and visualize the positive and good thing education has offer.

      It may be hard because of all the terror educators, pile of homework, and never ending projects but all that struggle and pain for us students strengthen us and made us a better person. All that struggle are part of our success with a good and firm foundation through education, a foundation not on sand but on a rock.

         I know that feeling that you are been pressure by all of the projects, homework, and activities. I know that feeling that you need to sleep late up until midnight because tomorrow is the deadline of the project. But I hope by the help of our slogan about education may open our mind and realize that these struggle and pain that we encounter in our education life are only temporary. Also, these are only a part of our life leading as to a better and safe future.

Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by Charlie Magne C. Valera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

By: John Carlo Sustino

        We chose this advocacy because we know that students like us can relate to this issue and for everyone who is just so tired of going to school and those who are fed up with schoolworks, even the unrelated ones. This can also hit those people who are done in going to school but still thinks that they had a hell of a life back then. This may somehow, make them reflect to the past and acquire the lessons and important things that they missed to appreciate. This will be an effective slogan because this will serve as an eye opener for those who are not fond of going to school because they doubt. On The things they can reflect might help them be more mature in their visions in life and on what they think about going to school.

 Creative Commons License
Typography Poster Reflection by John Carlo Sustino is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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